
The finish line
May 15, 2010, 7:16 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I haven’t been blogging really well this past week.  I always think of things to update with, but we have been so busy that it just gets away from me  Last night I really hurt my back, the camera batteries are low(charging right now) and we are racing to finish pieces for our etsy store’s grand opening.  My husband has done a lot of pieces and I learned how to make earrings!  So todayI have lots of pictures to take, things to upload and captions to write.  We are very excited and hopefully this is a new adventure for us  We would like to extend a little bit of an incentive to all our blog readers.  If you buy something,or if someone you know buys something, please include the code GRANDOPENING in your purchase and we will give you free shipping.

Also, my husbands 30th birthday is tomorrow.  M and I are going to be making him a cake tomorrow morning for dinner, we need to make him a card and I think I am going to make his deities some clothes.  He had his friends from temple come over on Thursday and we had a very sweet devotee come and give a class.  She is very dear to his guru and to have her in our house was a very special thing to my husband.  The class was wonderful, and we were complimented a lot on how nice of hosts we were.  Which is quite the compliment because they stay in lots of places and with lots of people much better off than us.  So it is a testament that it’s not how much you have, it’s what you do with what you do have.

So, if I can snag a few pictures, and sit long enough in the chair to update maybe I can squeeze something nice out tomorrow, if not then Monday.  We are enjoying a 3 days weekend with my husband.  Today I have to work though, and he is going to Busch Gardens with M and his family.  I am jealous!  But I wouldn’t be able to walk around the park today and well, someone has to earn the money!

Warm Wishes!

time for me to hobble to work.

p.s.  We are thinking about shipping ourselves over to blogger.  It works better for linking things like our etsy to it, I can just sign in with my gmail account, and when I reply to most of the blogs I can just use that.  Although I really like the dashboard in wordpress, I can also customize the blog a lot better.  So maybe tonight if I am up for it I might be switching over.  I already have it set up, I just need to do it.

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Can’t wait to check out your new shop! Congratulations!

Comment by Childhood Magic

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